what does it mean if one eye keeps watering?tear duct blockage homeopathic medicine |clogged lacrimal sac _ dacryocystitis treatment
Watery eyes and tear duct blockage can have various causes and it is important to seek medical advice to determine the underlying cause of your symptoms. However, some homeopathic medicines that may help to alleviate the symptoms include: 1. Pulsatilla: This remedy is commonly used for watery eyes that are accompanied by thick, yellow or greenish discharge. 2. Euphrasia: This remedy is often used for watery eyes that are accompanied by burning or stinging sensations, sensitivity to light, and a clear, acrid discharge. 3. Silicea : This remedy is used for tear duct blockage caused by the buildup of pus, and it can also be helpful for reducing inflammation and promoting drainage. 4. Natrum muriaticum: This remedy is often used for watery eyes caused by allergies, and it may also be helpful for reducing swelling and irritation. It is important to consult with a licensed homeopath or a qualified healthcare practitioner before using homeopathic medicines, as they can interact wit...
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